Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Understanding Male Pattern Baldness and Your Personal Risk

The term male pattern baldness refers to a medical condition known as androgenetic alopecia. It is passed down through generations, as well as brought about by many environmental factors. If you think that you are at risk of being the recipient of male pattern baldness genes, then you can know whether to take preventative measures to ensure yourself a beautiful head of hair for all of your life. So if you understand male pattern baldness, you will be able to gauge your own risk. Here are some of the things that will lead to being at risk of it.

The first and most obvious way of seeing if you are at risk for male pattern baldness is to look at pictures of your father and your grandfather. Are their heads lush and full of wavy hair, or are they as bald as can be? If your relatives seem to all be bald, this is a good indicator that you will deal with hair loss at a similar point in your life. However, this isn’t always accurate. Maybe the gene for baldness skipped a generation, or even two generations. So even if your relatives have full heads of hair, you shouldn’t rest easy yet.

Hair loss generally occurs naturally while you are in your 40s. If you are younger than this and it is occurring, you can assume that some other factors are at work. It may just be poor health habits or a stressful lifestyle, but there is also a good chance that it is a genetic problem. You should treat this just like any other hair loss, and take the steps required to stop it before it progresses too far. You can find out what the most successful remedies are, and start using them right away. It will definitely help you in the future.

Male pattern baldness used to be that inherited curse that men could look forward to all of their lives. But now it is something that is almost a gift – it allows the victim to foresee whatever may happen, and do whatever is necessary to avoid it. So if you think that you have a high risk of balding due to genetics, you should start to change every aspect of your life today and hold onto your hair.

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